名貴果籃 G29
- 此仿真皮紅色禮盒果籃內有13款高級水果(標準果量大約18-22pcs)(水果重量約為7KG/16LB)
- 韓國溫室網瓜 / 碌柚
- Pineapple
- 麒麟果/愛文芒果
- 日本溫室柑 / 日本進口高級水果
- Japanese Aomori Apple
- Korean Housui Pear
- 進口盒裝龍珠果 / 進口盒裝水果
- Blueberry / Imported Fruit In Box
- Grapes / Imported Fruit In Box
- Mango / Star Fruit
- Dragon Fruit
- 番石榴 / 梨
- Orange / Grapefruit
- 紅色人造皮元寶籃 / 圓形皮籃
Additional Information
- This gift comes with a message card board (public and afix on top) OR a GGB folded gift card (private and in an envelop)